Close the gaps for cybercriminals

ThreatMetrix™ employs a range of techniques to gather details about a web transaction: from the device, the connection, and optionally shared transaction details. We then correlate this data with past transactions to identify anomalies, risk factors, and suspicious behavior.

Drawing upon hundreds of anonymous characteristics from a web transaction and analyzing them in real-time, ThreatMetrix reveals hidden truths about the device visiting your web site to help you decide whether to trust the computer to create a new account use a credit card or login.

TrustDefender™ ID extracts and uses the stores of static and dynamic data managed by browsers, operating systems, and TCP/IP packets to establish a unique identity and assess the risk in a web transaction in real-time.

TrustDefender™ Client identifies and isolates malware, verifies legitimate websites and protects online transactions with your site.

TrustDefender™ Cloud identifies transactions that have indicators of manipulation by malware or man-in-the browser (MitB) attacks.

Most businesses deploy device identification and malware detection (if any) as separate solutions from different vendors. The insight uncovered resides in different silos, and doesn’t deliver a common view of devices across systems. This makes it easier for cybercriminals to slip through the gaps in coverage. The overall strategy is inefficient, costly and incomplete.

The ThreatMetrix Cybercrime Defender Platform goes beyond combining malware detection and device identification – it supplements the combined solution with intelligence and analysis across the platform and throughout a global network of sites sharing fraud information.

By choosing an integrated solution, you gain the benefits of unified intelligence, simplified implementation and deployment, and better overall coverage. Most importantly, using integrated malware and device identification lets you protect the integrity of online transactions and identities


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