Information security issues—such as data breaches or employee misconduct—are a constant challenge for organizations, as they not only put sensitive data at risk, but can also cost your company time, revenue, and resources. No one is immune to data loss incidents—and no one is better equipped than CSE to help you identify and close gaps that put your organization’s most important assets at risk.
At CSE, we know securing and managing electronically stored information (ESI) is critical to the future of your business. Our global team delivers scalable solutions to help you protect confidential and proprietary information from data security risks, such as malicious insiders, network vulnerabilities, and inadequate security policies.

  • Information Security Assessments: Conduct rapid, comprehensive assessments to accurately define your company’s security posture
  • Penetration Testing: Determine your organization’s potential for exploitation through comprehensive penetration testing
  • Policy Assessment & Design: Evaluate your current policies and procedures to ensure programs are up-to-date and working properly
  • Data Breach Prevention: Take steps to safeguard against a data breach and expedite response should a data loss incident occur
  • HIPAA Self Risk Assessment: Stay in compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, and Meaningful Use core measures by identifying areas of risk and remedying them through practical guidance and best practice measures